Sunday, September 16, 2007 // 11:48 PM
school starts normally again tmr..
or rather today
getting back prelim results
i'm so gonna kill myself when i see the results
so anyway went to watch nus dance today
with my mum
and ebird and other friends
it was kind of last minute
cos i didn't really know if i was going...
untill a few hours before
the concert was nice,
i really love the music for chinese dance
makes me smile every single time i hear it
the music is extremely nice!!!!
so i came here to post pictures of champions night
although nicole posted the pictures on her blog already
but i want to post some of them again
because i love the dancers!
miss them alot alot.
so credits to nicole toh shi hui for the pictures! (:

from left to right
alicia, peiying, shi ting, nicole, me, joey, limin

bottom row (left to right)
joey, limin, me
top row (left to right)
alicia, nicole, peiying

from left to right
me, joey, alicia, nicole, peiying


this is us with our lovely trophies
from left to right
shi ting, joey, alicia, peiying, limin, nicole, me
i love all of them alot!
they really make me happy <3
its back to school!