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the dreams

Wednesday, April 02, 2008 // 8:11 PM

my application has reached hkapa.

i do hope i'll be able to go for the audition
and i hope that i'll get in!!!!

i really want to study dance asap.

just came back from practising for teng zhi ye at xinmin
i hope xinthesis 2 will be a success.
i hope i'll be a fantastic show.

i do miss dancing a lot.

i kind of miss doing warm-up with xinmin people.
weird, but true.

i've decided to go for life concert next friday.
so that means that i can't go nafa.

and its weird but i do miss trainings for syf too.

why is everything so different now...

but at least i still have shhk class
i still have dinghong laoshi's class (:
and i still have great dance-mates
