Wednesday, May 07, 2008 // 9:30 PM
its only the middle of the week..
i'm so sleepy, trying real hard to stay awake during lectures and tutorials
i'm feeling very unmotivated this week.
i can't get myself to do anything..
can't get myself to pay attention during lessons as well
its seriously not a good week.
i'm having blisters on my feet cos of rhythmic gym
and i'm having two dance performances next week
and loads of dance practises during the weekend
i hope my feet survive man, cos the pain of the blisters are starting to kill me now.
PW and GP presentation are getting really irritating
cos there are so many things to do, and i don't know how to go about doing it
but i'm do glad that i have a wonderful group to work with (:
i just can't get the hkapa auditions out of my mind.
i'm really trying to concentrate on my life now and just anticipate the auditions
but i really can't stop thinking about hkapa.
every single weekday is like a torture
i wish i'll be able to dance in the hkapa dance room everyday..
