Saturday, August 02, 2008 // 12:06 AM
woke up today and went to elizabeth's house to slack awhile,
then went off to meet joey and limin at bugis, we went to golden landmark to get dance stuffs.
joey and limin bought the wine colour nafa leotard that zls wanted all of us to change into.
and i decided to get a black leotard instead of a dark blue one, i hope i don't regret! but anyway i think they will take super long to make it cos they are "busy"
i wanna get double sole leather dance shoes! but Singapore doesn't sell them. unless you order i think.
i don't know what dance stuffs i should get for school! i don't even know what the people there usually wear for classes..
anyway, later on we had to rush home to change and everything cos we were suppose to meet nicole even though its actually impossible to meet her cos there is no time at all.
and we all ended up in limin's house, just slacked a while then we went to cityhall for dinner.
when we reached esplanade, it was still quite early so we just sat and talk and waited for nicole.
saw a lot of people there, from huay kuan, from honglei.
haha don't really want to comment of the concert cos there is too many things to say about it.
but yay i enjoyed today!
i simply love my dance-mates a lot! (: