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the dreams

Saturday, August 09, 2008 // 10:28 PM

i love you lougong!
hope you had fun today (:


went for huay kuan today.
it was short but nice!
i'll really miss huay kuan when i leave
haha anyway today we didn't do any barres, didn't do any turns and jumps.
we did more flips and learnt some new stuffs. quite fun! i'm gonna try it again next time ahha!
at the end we gathered around the tv to watch some dance videos and some people are just freaky ahha.

i'm so bored now that i don't feel like blogging.

today is the only day that i'll get to dance this week.
i'm getting rusty! and i'm not improving much now..

and zls and dinghong laoshi kept telling me that i'll suffer in hkapa if i don't improve now, but its not like i don't want to improve or what. sometimes i'm really trying already, i don't know why i'm still so lousy. okay maybe i'm not trying hard enough, crap now i'm feeling lousy about myself..

really need to buck up liao Li Ruimin.

anyway, i'm still looking forward to
4 contemp classes a week
4 ballet classes a week
4 chinese dance classes a week
and loads of other classes (:
