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the dreams

Thursday, November 29, 2007 // 9:29 PM

back from dance chalet.
didn't stay over today for class chalet ):

after we checked out today,
we went to wild wild wet to play!
now i'm suffering from serious sunburns
and its super painful
i think i'm gonna look dam weird when i wear leotard
cos there is my swimsuit mark haha.
oh man, i hate my sunburnt face and body.

but it was fun
even though there weren't many at the chalet
i still enjoyed myself with my friends!
we were so spontaneous about everything.
it started out a little boring
then after that time passed very quickly
it was fun walking in the rain cos we didn't have unbrellas
joey was still eating ice cream in the rain
so she is like eating icecream with rainwater hahah

watched movies together at night
and we bbq-ed a lot of food
but we still had like a lot of leftovers

argh i'm in pain!
i feel as if my face and my arms are burning
and i'm certain that they are gonna peel soon
then i'm gonna look so weird with peeling skin
and different skin tone.
its so irritating

i think it will be weird at TAT on sunday
