Friday, June 27, 2008 // 1:02 PM
common tests are over!
Xinthesis2 yesterday was a great performance!
well this year i performed as an alumni of xinmin chinese dance
it was a total different feeling from last year.
and i'm really glad that i've made the decision to take part in this peformance.
i remembered last year, i felt really emotional when the performance ended and such
but this year, i was taking part in Xinthesis with a whole new feeling.
it was more relaxed for me.
it was more relaxed for me.
excited for the performance to start,
and when the whole thing ended, i felt real happiness in the heart.
i love the feeling of performing on stage.
this year i just told myself that i should just enjoy myself out there.
and i really did.
even though during the duet i was quite concerned with my sleeve dropping of my shoulder,
i still really enjoyed teng zhi ye haha.
and for sui yue ru ge, i think this will truly be the last time i will be performing it with the xinmin chinese dance,
because the next concert, xmcd will most proberbly be peroforming next year's syf already haha.
sui yue ru ge was refreshing for me.
sui yue ru ge was refreshing for me.
and i think i felt happy cos i think that i've improved as a dancer since last year, so i'm glad.
thank you to all who've taken the time to come down to watch this performance
and i hope that it was a performance worth watching (:
Xinthesis2 reassured me that performing is what i want to do.
and i'm really relived to feel like that.
oh god, please let me get into HKAPA!
haha and i've heard some positive feedbacks and comments about the dances
so thats good too!
so thats good too!
anyway, didn't really take much pictures cos apparently no photography is allowed haha
She forever putting on mascara one lor!
HaiNing laoshi and me! I certainly miss those days in Denmark! and i was totally surprised to see him haha
We were surpose to act sexy.. but....not very successful arh..
Mrs ng, me and wei laoshi
Us with the instructor, Zou Laoshi
The wonderful teachers!
can't really see us eh?
Elizabeth and I in our duet, Teng Zhi Ye! (:
Supper with Limin after the performance haha
I love all my dance-mates!
and Xinmin never fails to feel like home (: