Sunday, March 18, 2007 // 9:49 PM
hello everyone.
theres school tmr and i'm dreading it!
why must there be so many maths paper???
i bet after the june holidays i will forget how to do the questions
and i have to revise all over again.
so whats the use??
there are so many tests next week
and i dont want to fail!
heard there are many casualties for the a.maths test.
i bet i'm one of them because i only know a few questions
so today turned out to be better than i thought.
and i realise that my passion for dance is coming back!
i thought i have lost it
but i'm looking forward to next dance class now!
and i want to dance 傣族舞,慢版 (:
i love 神韵
i want to do more 神韵!!
and i hate my 软度
so irritatingly lousy
really hope O'levels will pass real soon
i'm looking forward to the day when my piority will be dance
and not O'levels
on friday, we went to the dance room after lunch to play!
and its so nice because you can do whatever dance stuffs you want
and you have so much space!
no one will be staring at you like you are crazy or something
and we took pictures!

yes i know i'm short.
hahah i love chinese dance!!
i remember laoshi always say
" 艺术来自于生活,但是艺术却高于生活 "
i want to be onstage now (: