Sunday, March 30, 2008 // 7:36 PM
my whole body is aching
from yesterday's shhk class
and today's dinghong laoshi's class
but its okay,
cos its some good training (:
i keep telling myself,
its just two more months.
but it feels so long,
i really want to study dance
especially chinese dance.
i hope i'll be prepared by june.
i really hope that elizabeth and i will get into hkapa together
then we'll be able to dance together every day
try out new dance stuffs together
felt that today's training was nice despite the aching body
had the motivation to keep on going,
i feel like dancing.
although the turns was really bad today,
but its okay, i'll try harder.
tmr will be better.
i like the ping zhuan's music,
it just pushes me to keep on doing it.
today's class was filled with so many people,
because almost everyone came.
i like the atmosphere of the class,
i can feel like everyone is so serious about learning
yet its not boring and there is no time to slack around
sounds really cliche
but dancing is my passion
sure enough there are times when i feel like i dread classes
but i guess once i get going and i'm all warmed up,
i feel like i can just jump off and dance
it really great.
i want to learn more and more and more.....
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 // 11:42 PM
finally finished the PI first draft to be submitted tmr
and i'm really sleepy now.
i really dislike PW
still don't know why i'm in a jc
still thinking about what to do with lasalle
dance is not going well for me
chinese dance is something i'm losing touch of, but i don't want to
my feet is painful from don't know what
really miss dancing back in those days
i just want to be a better dancer,
and its just not going that well.
Monday, March 24, 2008 // 9:14 PM
i just miss dancing so so much.
i'm really very tired now.
theres so many things to do and yet so little time.
i hate project work
just let me get into hkapa

Sunday, March 23, 2008 // 10:48 PM
i'm in the mood to dance!
i really can't get enough of chinese dance.
what am i doing in a jc?
Saturday, March 22, 2008 // 6:58 PM
spent my day yesterday at my auntie's house
sleptover too.
i really really love going there.
sad to say, but i feel more family warmth in there rather than my own house
i guess its cos i grew up there when i was young
and at an older age then i started living in my own house
my cousin was there as well.
and its really great cos i totally love the feeling
its a place where i can relax and just have a good chat with the people there
sometimes i really wish i was born there.
but i still love my family, even though they can be really irritating at times.
first week of school since school reopen.
i don't like my timetable at all
i end school really late everyday
really can't wait to dance everyday.
i hope i do get into hkapa though.
i really must get in
if i do, then there will be no problems already
i'm getting nervous for no reason
Thursday, March 13, 2008 // 8:26 PM
had a sigh of relief today.
i got into lasalle!
though my final aim is hkapa,
getting through to lasalle is like the first step to me
and its great that elizabeth and i will have a chance to become classmates again!
it will be really nice if both of us are studying in the same class
and we can go to school everyday and dance together everyday (:
nerve wrecking audition, but still i learnt a lot.
thank you elizabeth for accompanying me there and waiting for me,
its nice to know that you are there for me even when i'm freaking out at the auditions.
caught step up 2 with limin joey elizabeth
its a nice show!
enjoyed today, its always nice to spend some time with friends!
and i'm really sad that i can't turn up for 405's gathering at mr pah's house tmr
i really wanted to go, but i have no choice but to go nafa.
cos i didn't go for the past two rehearsals already
and heard that zls was quite angry.
even though i'm not able to make it for the gathering,
i still really love 405
hope you guys have fun there!
holidays are filled with holiday homework
and its driving me crazy.
but tuition today was rather nice, at least i learnt something
i can't believe that school is starting again next week.
so fast!
i want more holidays!!
Tuesday, March 04, 2008 // 9:19 PM
today, as i got up the bus with elizabeth
something caught me by surprise.
i tapped my card on the ez-link thing
then i heard "teet teet"
i was like....huh?
did i hear wrongly? no what...
"teet teet" is.....
no more expensive bus and mrt ride!
what a relief (:
today i ended at 12.30,
but we had to wait until 1pm then can leave school
and i met up with elizabeth to get her documents photocopied
and we went to my house to settle the application for hkapa
we are more or less done filling the application up
and as i filled it,
don't know why, but i'm getting more and more scared
like, its finally coming....
i do hope my application will be good enough for me to be selected for the auditions
please choose me!!!
and then please let me pass the auditions after that!!!
anyway, there is cca sign-up tmr
i think i'll most likely join dance.
and the audition for dance is tmr as well!
wah so sudden, hahah.
today we finished teng zhi ye!
or rather i finished, cos ebird already know it liao
hahah. but anyway it was an accomplishment for me lah.
oh man, tutorial 5.1 due tmr
and i'm clueless about maths
Monday, March 03, 2008 // 9:13 PM
next week is the march holidays already!
anyway, this week i'm ending quite early everyday
except for wednesday cos got cca sign-up
yesterday was bad and good.
i was actually quite upset during technique class
cos dinghong laoshi kept 'scolding' me
and i was like so fustrated with myself lah.
almost everything we did, she will comment about my bad points
quite sad lah haha, but i guess its really cos she wants me to improve
so i shall try hard to improve, and listen to her (:
after class, rushed down to clarke quay to meet wanling and the others
to celebrate germaine's birthday!
it was really really really fun!
talked a lot, craped a lot, teased a lot and laughed a lot
i had so much fun
we did so many stupid things in fish&co
took a lot of stupid and unglam photos and we kept laughing at each other lah ahha!
then the fish&co person made germaine stand on the chair and hold a sparkle
and the whole staff and us sang the fish&co birthday thing
it was so embaressing for germaine hahah
after that, we went to sit the bungy ride at clarke quay
i was quite scared before the ride
but when the whole thing started we just kept screaming and laughing
the ride was really exciting!!
i do hope germaine had a great 17th birthday (:
today after school,
went to xinmin with elizabeth to use the dance room
and we practised teng zhi ye.
we only had about an hour cos the opera needed to use the room
but at least i learnt quite a bit.
now left the last part, and its my job to learn it haha
i hope we'll get everything done soon
ahh don't worry elizabeth, i'll learn my part really soon kay.
i hope we'll finish everything and show it to zls before i really get busy with my studies haha
goodness i have loads of homework.
Sunday, March 02, 2008 // 9:25 AM
yesterday was a really great day!
woke up late and rushed to limin's house.
and we started out with limin trying to do her homework
while i try to make friends with economics.
managed to get a clearer picture,
but i'm still super confused.
and joey came after that, cos she woke up later than me haha!
had a great time talking while we make our way to hougang mall
to meet up with everybody to leave for ngee ann poly
it was nice just to see so many juniors
and then after the seriously long bus ride,
we finally reached.
the concert was nice
and i saw so many familiar faces there!
didn't realise that dinghong laoshi and zhoulei laoshi was just sitting behind us
with their family.
saw elizabeth! kept cheering for her ahahah
and some dancers kept going crazy over this cute guy performer
great job npdance.
i could see many of you just having fun on stage
a little nervousness here and there
but you all pulled it off really great!
enjoyed watching the items
enjoyed "mei ah li" !
love the "mei ah li" and "you huo" costume!
after the concert,
joey, limin, nicole and me
went for supper together
it was really heartwarming,
love moments like these
i love all the bus-rides talks
love the craziness during concert intervals
i just love every moment we spend together
can't wait to see you guys again.
thank you so much, for making my day
Saturday, March 01, 2008 // 12:16 AM
term one is ending soon
just when i started schooling
i'm having quite a hard time trying to catch up with all the work
and bridging lessons are going too fast for slow people like me.
argh, time to get some tuition.
had lessons at nafa just now.
i just love people like joey and limin,
even though i'm in a different school already,
still, i feel attached to them.
its that kind of warmth i feel when i'm with them
that allows me to be myself, and just simply have fun.
i wonder if we will still be as close in the future to come
but i'm still thankful for being able to meet such wonderful people like them
i've just remembered that the teng zhi ye item have to be done soon
but i'm just not sure if i have enough time to do everything
i don't want it to be like a slip-shot thing you know,
so i think i will just have to make time for it,
i need to sort my schedule.
but i'm just too tired now..
there is the np dance concert tmr that i'm going to attend
which means less time to study for the econs test on monday
i really think i'm gonna flunk it..
i need some guidance please!
but anyway,
hope that the concert will be a successful one tmr (: