Tuesday, August 19, 2008 // 11:16 PM
okay i won't upload the huadie photoshoot photos cos they are all on elizabeth's facebook so jiayin and agnes you can go to elizabeth's facebook to take the photos (:
i have so many things that i have to buy yet i don't know how to get them and i have not much time to get them already.
my family is like arguing over what laptop i should get for hongkong, crap man its causing so much chaos.
and i received an email from HKAPA today, its the grouping list for the orientation day.
guess what? my name is not inside.
i'm like freaking out now cos i don't know why is it like that and even manuel's name is inside but my name is not. i hope nothing bad happens cos i better get into HKAPA if not my life will be ruin with nothing left for me to do back here in Singapore. i'll have no school already! I replied HKAPA and i really really hope that they'll tell me what is happening and please tell me my orientation group!
so today went to meet Elizabeth at Lasalle and she found an empty studio so we went in and played around while waiting for 6pm so that Elizabeth can go and meet ivonn for some choreo thing.
haha we tried loads of stuffs, but took only a few photos, and i love the studio cos the windows are so nice!
The studio with the ugly placed dance mat but lovely windows (:

me and ebird.
random pose (:

Hou4 Tui3

me and ebird again (: