Wednesday, August 29, 2007 // 8:54 PM
hello everyone!
tmr is sort of the last day of the prelims
yay! then we will be going out to watch hairspray
and then at night i'm going to watch the dances of the orient
i'm looking forward (:
today i went with the dancers to get zou laoshi teacher's day present
and we bought her a new jazz shoe
hahah and we were like guessing her shoe size
it was so funny cos everyone was like
"are you sure this size can ornot?!"
and in the end we bought it and gave it to her
i hope she like it haha
she was like saying that we dun need to po4 fei4
hope she wears it for lessons!
and we gave her flowers as well (:
i miss my dance-mates alot alot
being with them today really made my day (:
its just this feeling that i love when i'm being with them
i'll always feel happy when i'm with them,
even though if i feel down, just mixing with them brightens me up hehe
i love my dance-mates!!!!!!!!!
i miss dancing!!!!
Monday, August 27, 2007 // 1:56 PM
oh yay prelim is going to be over soon!!!
but there is still the o'levels
i just wish that exams will be over soon
then i can dance!!
its like i can't even concentrate on dancing nowadays
because i know that i cannot fen1 xin1
i am those kind once i get very involved in things that i like (dance)
then i cannot switch back to studying already
so must as well dont get so into dance first ):
but 3 months without proper dancing is killing me!
i really want to go into hkapa with elizabeth.
i've always wanted to dance
and sometimes i get very envious of people who got the chance to learn dance when they were young,
regardless of ballet or chinese dance.
my parents didn't even allow me to dance when i was young
but i think i'm still grateful that they allow me to learn dance last year
although its like so weird to only have proper dance training when you are 15
i'm still thankful for that though
oh yes, this friday is my open class,
and my mother is coming again hehehe.
i think my mum is like the regular customer for open class lor
and she is so worried that she will be the only mother there cos i told her that my class always very little parents come de.
i haven't been dancing properly for so long already,
so i think this friday will be a disaster =x
but friday means....prelims over!!!!!
except for practical, but its still considered prelim over hees.
can't wait to go out on thursday after the exams!
i want to go watch movie with junyi they all
and rose you better come okay.
oh did i mention that i am going for graduation night?
hahah and rose you must come also hor!
oh anyway,
my last chinese dance performance in xinmin chinese dance.
its only a small performance and there are only 8 of us
but nevertheless,
its still my last chinese dance performance in xinmin
and i did enjoy it,
all the fooling around with dancers(:

the beautiful xinmin dance studio (:

the pro vanessa tying valerie's hair

me and kelly hanging from the barre!
don't know why we did that haha

make-up time!

the place where we performed

pie3 shan4
yup so that is about it,
haven't posted for quite long,
there is still exams tmr!
bye (:
Monday, August 20, 2007 // 5:29 PM
english o'level oral is over!
i'm grateful to my oral examiners.
oh yes, and i talked about dance and performing (:
the examiners were saying like "you should continue dancing since you've started"
and i said "yes of course i will, i love dancing (:"
they are so friendly to every one of the candidate under them
i feel encouraged by them.
hahah, physics tomorrow.
now i'm really worried. YIKES!
Sunday, August 19, 2007 // 6:44 PM
exams officially starts TOMORROW!!!
hurray! (yah right)
hahaha all the best to everyone!
remember to buy all the stationaries needed
don't be like me
always ask people for pen or eraser (:
when you see the exam papers
have fun (:
Wednesday, August 15, 2007 // 4:26 PM
its just a few more days to prelims!!
ahhh i am going to be so dead!!
and my o'level english oral is next monday
my oral is not good and i don't know how to talk about the picture and conversation
panic panic.
hahah, must jia you for prelims le!
have a very strong feeling that it is going to be difficult
but nevermind, the sooner it comes, the sooner it goes (:
i seriously need motivation to study
i've been so slack!!!
i feel so nervous for the prelims!
oo and and,
mariah- your chinese is A1 de!! i feel so happy for you when you got your results lah!
hahaha STAY HAPPY ((:
Sunday, August 12, 2007 // 8:02 PM
hello everyone!
this dead blog shall be revived for a moment hahah
anyway, life is still the same
school is still the same.
just doing work everyday
and preparing for the prelims which is just one week away
oh man.
i dread it, but yet i want it to come faster
because that means it will end faster (:
ahh yes, dance.
i'm suppose to keep away from dance for this period of time
but its difficult you know.
i think of it everyday and i really really miss it alot alot alot.
i really really wish that exams will be over soon and i'll be able to concentrate on dancing.
as for nafa, we are already split into our exam groups
and we get to choose which ming2 jian1 wu3 we want to dance
i chose dai3 zu2 wu3 but all my group members chose yi2 zu2 wu3
and zou laoshi say the whole group must standardize
aww man! i want dai3 zu2 wu3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its after i step down from xmcd that i realised how lucky i was in the past,
to be able to dance so many times a week
and now, i feel so terrible without dance.
i really cherish each nafa practise more and more
i dont want to lose any opportunity to dance.
and i realised, i'm deproving so much as well
i hate it.
you know i'm worried for myself
other than the o'levels,
i'm worried that i wont be able to get distinction for dance again this year
i dont have much confidence that i will be able to do it.
its like, my standard now is so shaky
it can be okay and it can be bad
what am i going to do now?
i really want that distinction alot alot alot alot
and as nicole questions herself if she is really up to it,
i question myself as well.
and i don't think that i'm actually good enough,
but i really really want to go to hkapa.
if only i was taller
if only i was thinner
if only i was more flexible
if only....
and i'm so old already, will i be able to be compared to the others there?
will they want a dancer like me?
what do i have that they are looking for?
i keep saying i want to get in hkapa
but the thing is, do i have what it takes to get in?
am i good enough ornot?
i know i know, we must mantain a positive attitude
but somehow, things that worry you will still be there inside your head
no matter how you try to chuck it at the back of the head.
it will still be there
i'm really really scared
Tuesday, August 07, 2007 // 7:54 PM

i miss dancing alot alot alot.