Tuesday, September 25, 2007 // 10:39 PM
happy mid-autumn festival
today was just another ordinary day.
didn't play with candles or lanterns
didn't eat mooncake either
yah, my boring life.
three more weeks.
just endure bah!
so elizabeth and the others are on the way to korea now
hope that they will have a successful series of performance there
and bring back loads of photos for me to see hehes!
didn't have a chance to bid them farewell
and i hope elizabeth have fun celebrating her birthday in korea too
hahah with people like meiyan and cingzing
her birthday is going to be super fun!
i really love my blog song hehes (:
Monday, September 24, 2007 // 7:17 PM
oh man. the genting trip is cancelled!
that is SO depressing!!!!
i want to go overseas with the dancers,
but ahhh...i can't do anything to change the situation
i miss xmcd dancers!
Sunday, September 23, 2007 // 9:44 PM
okay fine, posting for the third time today
because i just changed my blog song.
this is the song of one of my favourite chinese dance and chinese opera.
its called the ''butterfly lovers''
this song is only part of the entire song,
the whole song can be heard if you play the one underneath the one that is playing now,
i put two songs there,
the bottom one is the more fully versioned one
''butterfly lovers" is the chinese version of "romeo and juliet"
its called "liang shan bo yu zhu ying tai"
the entire song is about 25 mins long,
(its the second one i put below)
the song will go through the whole story,
from where liang shan bo and zhu ying tai met,
where they go through ups and downs together,
where they both fell in love
where zhu ying tai found out that her father match made her to another guy.
where zhu ying tai was devastated
and where liang shan bo died for her
and then zhu ying tai wanted to die with him
so they finally died together
in a terrible terrible storm
and they turned into butterflies
flying to heaven together.
a really romantic and nice story
i really love the show and the dance
the melodies are really really nice.
i really wish one day i will have the opportunity to dance the "butterfly lovers"
its one of my favourites!
perhaps one day when i'm a professional chinese dancer
i'll have the chance to do so haha
awaiting that day to come (:
// 9:04 PM
hahah i'm blogging for the second time today,
because i forgot to mention something!
read from the newspaper today that,
the chinese opera institute is going to have a diploma course starting next year!
and secondary fours are eligible to sign up for it
haha that means i am eligible.
wow i'm old haha.
and they are gonna teach alot of things about chinese opera,
classical chinese dance, stage designs, singing, acting and MANY MANY MORE
so chinese opera lovers out there who wishes to sign up and is eligible,
don't mind giving it a shot (:
but i still love to go to hkapa<3
i'll never get enough of chinese dance!
// 7:48 PM
wow today was kind of a freaky yet enjoyable day.
i met three of my primary school dance-mates today.
like what a coincidence!
went for tat today
and there were three new comers
two from my primary school dance
and one girl from gymnastics
the gymnastics girl was very good in her flexibility
she is very much like her sister who was from nus chinese dance and is super good as well
but her sis went to america to further dance i think
so anyway i found the other two so familiar but i didn't dare to ask them
but in the end i did.
and it was so surprising lah!
and one of them, rebecca,
she is the daughter of my primary school principal
she was also from nyps chinese dance
and her mother actually recongised that i was from nyps
super cool!
then after that i went to the nlb.
and when i was leaving,
i saw suikim!
my good friend, who was also from nyps dance
its kinda freaky seeing so many of them today,
but it was fun! hahaha.
so anyway,
i feel that i like tat alot.
i didn't used to like going there that much when i started out
but now i look forward to it every week
just like i look forward to nafa.
now i look forward to fridays(nafa)
and sundays (tat)
dancing is SO NICE!
i love tat!
i love nafa!
i love ding hong laoshi!
i love zou laoshi as well!
i love my dance teachers!
and i really like the friends i made in tat
there are really nice and fun to be around with.
wish them all the best to korea though.
i shall be stuck in singapore horribly trying to study for the o'levels
hmm.. 8 more nafa lessons to exam
i really feel that i am not ready
as in, totally not ready
i think because of the o'levels
i didn't really prepare myself well for nafa
and now i'm really scared that i might not do well for the exam
i want to mantain distinction de!
but i feel that its quite difficult le.
my technique totally sucks.
and my flexibility arh...can go bang the wall already.
almost every lesson,
zou laoshi will say to me
"ruimin, ni3 de3 ruan3 do4 hen3 cha1 leh, hui2 jia1 yao4 qu4 lian4 hor."
( which means: your flexibility very lousy leh, go home must practise okay )
then i'll be like so embaressed
and my face will go red
after that, i will just smile shyly and nod my head
its a standard routine.
argh i hate myself.
okay i shall mantain a positive attitude
things will be better, i hope.
oh well.
thank you for today,
i enjoyed it (:
Saturday, September 22, 2007 // 12:46 PM
so one week of school is already gone.
another two more weeks and its study break already
got back some of my prelim results already.
and the thing is.
i haven't improved!
cos the results that i got back so far is the same as my mid-year result
its kind of disappointing..
but nevertheless, i shall work hard for the o'levels
shall keep a positive attitude
i don't think any school will want to acept me lah ):
i'm still not sure if we are going to genting or not
well i sure hope we do.
its about one month to the o'levels
and i hope that it'll come quickly
cos i want it to be over soon!
i can't wait to do so many things after the exams
if only i can turn into a genious in one month..
oh well,
peer pressure.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 // 9:52 PM
school had been usual
quite boring actually
haven't got back prelim results
cos i think it can only be released next week
i know mine is gonna be bad ):
but anyway i'm still missing dance haha (:
so i'm still not sure if we are going to genting ornot lah
i want to go!!
heard that there was a briefing today
but i had mock A.maths exam
so didn't go
but if we are going, my room-mates will be joey and nicole!
its about one more month to the o'levels
everyone is studying like crazy.
except for me =x
oh yah there is physics practical tmr
i think it will be our last one since the labs are going to close..
aww...and the next time i go into the lab will be for me o'level practical
thats kinda scary
hope i dont start freaking out during the practical and cry
whee jiayou jiayou everyone!!
Sunday, September 16, 2007 // 11:48 PM
school starts normally again tmr..
or rather today
getting back prelim results
i'm so gonna kill myself when i see the results
so anyway went to watch nus dance today
with my mum
and ebird and other friends
it was kind of last minute
cos i didn't really know if i was going...
untill a few hours before
the concert was nice,
i really love the music for chinese dance
makes me smile every single time i hear it
the music is extremely nice!!!!
so i came here to post pictures of champions night
although nicole posted the pictures on her blog already
but i want to post some of them again
because i love the dancers!
miss them alot alot.
so credits to nicole toh shi hui for the pictures! (:

from left to right
alicia, peiying, shi ting, nicole, me, joey, limin

bottom row (left to right)
joey, limin, me
top row (left to right)
alicia, nicole, peiying

from left to right
me, joey, alicia, nicole, peiying


this is us with our lovely trophies
from left to right
shi ting, joey, alicia, peiying, limin, nicole, me
i love all of them alot!
they really make me happy <3
its back to school!
Saturday, September 15, 2007 // 10:10 PM
i miss chinese dance alot!
oh man no matter how much i say that
i still miss it alot
i miss having dance lessons
i miss training for performance
why am i so stubborn?
why can't i just let it go for two months?
i can't!!
i really can't bring myself to do it.
this is killing me
Friday, September 14, 2007 // 10:48 PM
champions day was nice.
before we went to the hall
we went to the dance room to play!!
and we did alot of things
it was so fun because i felt great dancing with my batch-mates again
it had been ages since i danced with them lah!!
and ofcourse my wonderful juniors hehes
we talked alot. catch up abit
and danced together again (:
the ceremony in the hall was quite okay
though it was a long wait before it started and during the ceremony when its not your turn
but after that,
the dancers went crazy!
we took photos doing many stuffs!!
we did da tiao, ban tui,
posed, splits and many more
and we were like taking photos here and taking photos there
because nicole's camera was going to be out of batt.
it was fun!!!
i simply love xinmin chinese dancers (:
and after that we went to eat outside!
it was great because i love eating with the dancers
got wen1 xin1 de4 gan3 jue2
i can always go crazy with the dancers
because everyone is so sporting in doing whatever things
and its SO FUN!!
had nafa at night
it was okay only lah..
9 more class to dance exam
kinda worried
but worry about o'levels first bah.
hope nicole posts the pictures soon.
can't wait to spend time with them again,
i wonder when will that time comes,
i really love them to bits.
and i want to go malaysia with the dancers!
oh well, we shall see how things go.
i'm had a great time with the dancers today (:
Thursday, September 13, 2007 // 11:52 AM
okay so i deleted the part on champion's day in my previous post
because we are not getting certificates
so i was wrong.
sorry got wrong infomation hehes
so i went to school today for mock A.maths paper
it was okay i think
then went to eat with junyi and rose
tmr is champion's day
and i'm gonna be late for nafa
no choice mah
but anyway the great thing is
i get to spend time with the dancers tmr!!!!!
but too bad i'm sitting quite far from most of them
its okay haha
mrs lim gave us maths papers to do during the weekend
aww man, and she say until like we did very badly for prelims
okay i know i did badly
but i shall jiayou for the o'levels!
oh and i really want to go to the dance competition in malaysia!
but the criteria is that our dance must not be more than 5 mins
but what?????
our dance is 7 mins
and if we cut somemore
the whole dance will lose its meaning already
i dont wanna cut ):
hope there is a way out bah
and i hope all the syf dancers will be able to make it
although i know some already cant
but nevertheless,
going overseas with the dancers is so cool!!
and it will be fun hehehe
thats something to look forward to after the o'levels
oh man i've said this so many times before
but i really miss dancing
and i miss xmcd!
i think everyone in xmcd should cherish their time now there
its really really very precious (:
Wednesday, September 12, 2007 // 11:11 AM
wah feeling kind of disappointed
and down..
which is like so cool
but heard quite alot of ppl cant go
i want to go leh!!
mdm gwee said the she wants to bring the original 36 syf ppl to go
i really really hope that we can go!!!
its in december
which is after o'levels
hahhha it will be so fun to go overseas together again as dancers
everyone sure play until crazy de!!
although its not confirm yet because some ppl can't make it
but i'm already happy that xinmin got invited
this event is like once in 5 years leh
so cool!!!!
ahh hope we will get to go lah
and i have A.maths mock exam tmr
which is like so last minute cos we were only imformed of it yesterday
but nevermind.
its for our own good lah
so today is the last dance practise for xmcd before they prepare for their EOY
hope they enjoy it to the fullest (:
Monday, September 10, 2007 // 7:18 PM
is champion's night this friday?
how come no one is talking about it?
like everything is so toned down.
so i went back to school today for physics lesson
in preparation for tmr's practical
hhaha i dislike practicals cos i think they are kind of scary
and i'm in third shift!
so i get to wake up a little later tmr hehes
time is passing quite fast
its like after prelims already
and soon it will be the o'levels
then i'll be graduating from xinmin
like....wow...so fast!!
i'm just getting old lah..hahah
anyway, tuesdays and wednesdays still feel different for me without cca
i never knew i would feel so attached to chinese dance and chinese opera
but i really love them
and i just want to have dance and opera trainings every single day
oh man i just want the o'levels to be over!
then i can concentrate on doing what i love (:
Sunday, September 09, 2007 // 9:23 PM
finally my internet is working!!
its been down for a long long long long time.
hahah so this one week break was quite enjoyable
nafa rehearsals were nice
although the feeling is somewhat different from xinmin
its still another experience
and got to know alot more people there
haha and my nafa grade class totally rocks!!!
they are crazy people as well
it feels good to be dancing again
and being with dance-mates
oh man i really miss xinmin dance alot now
practises for the syf were one of the best moments i had in xinmin
can't wait for our celebration after the o'levels!
that reminds me,
o'levels are coming
great! (sense the scarsm, hah)
haha practicals are next week!
hope it won't be too difficult!!
yay like thats ever gonna happen..
so haven't been blogging because my internet was down
alot of things happened lately
but i'm too lazy to mention every single one of them
i just know that i really really miss dancing alot
oh and i did a really terrible thing to limin today
i am so so so sorry
i didn't do it on purpose!!!
and now i'm still feeling guilty
sorry limin!
i don't really know what to blog about though
i guess rose and junyi can predict all my posts already
okay back to school tomorrow!
Monday, September 03, 2007 // 1:11 PM
so we finally have our one week of holidays
and i don't have to go back to school for lessons!
which is kind of surprising
but anyway o'levels are coming really really soon
on thurdays,
caught evan almighty with junyi, rose, yu ting, jasmine, maxine,xin yi and siew fong
haha it was quite nice
then i went for DANCES OF THE ORIENT!
its was a good performance
i like ye yan!!
i saw so many people i knew there
and ELIZABETH!!!!! haha i managed to spot you (:
you rock!!
friday was teacher's day celebration
after school went to lisa's house with dylis and wanling
then after that went for nafa!
it was open class
and surprisingly, alot of parents came hahaha
it was kind of okay lah.
just like any normal dance lesson lah
but we did every dance once
and i still love dai zu wu!
saturday was nice because after physic practical,
we went out to watch hair spray!!!
it was nice!!
hahahah wanting to catch that movie for quite long already
at night me and elizabeth went for nat's 21st birthday bash!
it was cool because everyone there was very enthu
and the theme was great
the food was great
the programmes were great
and the people there were very nice haha
got to know some other people from the church as well
haha so there is still quite some time for o'levels to be over
and i cant wait for that day to come
because i really really miss dance alot
i miss XMCD as well
i'm still loving dance!