Thursday, August 21, 2008 // 7:46 PM
hahaha i started packing my lugguage already
amazed at how early i start this time,
so joey and limin i didn't lose the bet okay
and i seriously don't know when will i be able to go hongkong cos my student visa is still processing, i may not make it for the orientation next friday, which kinda sucks for me lah.
so actually i'm not sure if tmr will be my last NAFA lesson, i hope it'll be though, i don't want to miss the orientation and everything. its kind of bad being the foreign student eh, so many things to take care of. and i'm kind of afraid that i won't be able to fit in, but i'll try my best though, i hope things go well when i'm there. the foundation students are separated into 2 classes, A and B, i'm in B i think...hope my class will be great.
actually i don't really have the feeling like i'm gonna leave soon,
but this weekend is filled with so many meet up with friends and cousin, makes me excited yet i'm feeling more and more bu4 she3 de2 already. nevermind its time to get my msn working after so many years.
my maid and i made phillipines rice cakes today and they are so yummy, but fattening lah, cannot eat too much. okay i already did.
tmr is friday and then it'll be the weekends, love the weekends.
dance classes and going out with friends!
oh i just realised smth. if i can't make it for the orientation next friday and i'm in Singapore,
means i can go for Huay Kuan's dance concert!
and Zina Tan's birthday is coming hahaha!
P.S. Thank you so much for the Most Meaningful birthdy present i've ever received. I knew it was you right from the beginning because only you would do such a thing for me, and HOW CAN I NOT RECOGNISE YOUR HANDWRITING HAHA! Thanks for everything really, i love you too (: