Monday, April 28, 2008 // 8:17 PM
i've got bad memory ):
Sunday, April 27, 2008 // 10:16 AM
i can't decide if yesterday was good or worrying
perhaps its both..
but thankfully, after the sleep, i woke up today feeling much better
can't say that i've worry less, but at least i'm not so anxious anymore
25 in the whole foundation cohord??
thats crazy man
thats the amount of people in my class
manuel got the male scholarship to HKAPA yesterday
and i could definately see how happy he was
i will treat my remaining dance practise extra seriously man
when i'm at the auditions, i will definately try my best
i hope my body will be in a good condition from 3-5 june!
i want this more than ever now
please let me get into HKAPA
Saturday, April 26, 2008 // 1:07 AM
oh man i'm super sleepy now.
but today was just really really wonderful.
after school, had a pleasant ride to ngee ann to meet elizabeth and jiayin.
and we just slacked around, took a bus to NUS
then found the dance studio and went to change
was just lying around enjoying the air con cos we were too early
then Dinghong laoshi came
we met agnes
and rehearsal just started.
realised that we will be doing the 1st part of the dance too haha
i had a confusing yet enjoyable time learning and trying to remember the steps for the dance
i totally love the music lah!
can make my heart melt one lor hahah
then later we tried on costume, and i think the costume is nice too yay! (:
then we just did random stuffs in the dance room and it was fun!
i like the NUS dance studio.
The floor is nice, the ambience is nice.
heard that the UCC dance studio is really really nice, but too bad i didn't get to see it
then we wanted to go home, when Zhoulei laoshi and Dinghong laoshi offered to fetch us to bugis there.
so elizabeth, jiayin, anges and me happily followed them,
and halfway through the ride, we all decided that we will eat in bugis haha
Zhoulei laoshi and Dinghong laoshi treat somemore leh
Had a great time eating with them,
the food was super filling
and we started chatting about loads of stuffs
elizabeth and i told Dinghong laoshi about our auditions in hongkong too
and she knows like all the chinese dance teachers and the head of chinese dance there lah!
Its like either her students, her classmates or her teacher
elizabeth and i were like....amazed hahaha!
found out so many things,
worried about the expectations of the auditions yet i just really wanna be there now.
want to go hongkong now!
tonight was just filled with so much dance.
felt better to know that there are still people who will not discourage
they may not be the best encourager, but certainly someone who made me feel better about myself
someone who understands my situation, understands my worries, understands my greedy ambition
i'm just thankful for people like that,
willing to help, willing to care
thank god for tonight (:
Thursday, April 24, 2008 // 10:43 PM
school's normal,
sports day is over,
class relay turned out to be quite fun (:
great man, so many tests coming up.
can't go for nafa tmr cos of rehearsal for "my homeland"
been wanting to dance this dance since last year,
but couldn't cos of o'levels
didn't expect to have the chance to dance it this year haha
so i'm quite excited about it, even though we are only gonna perform the 3th and 4th part
while my favourite parts are the 1st and 2nd part haha
i love the music (:
but actually, i kind of feel bad for missing nafa tmr,
cos i need to brush up on my ming2 jian1 wu3
its really bad hahah!
aiyoh, joey and limin you guys must teach me kae!
i love the weekends cos it means having dance classes!
can't wait for 1st june to come
hope that time will pass faster during this one month
really wanna be in hongkong right now
i'm excited! (:
Saturday, April 19, 2008 // 10:07 AM
yay the tickets to hongkong are booked already
will be going from 1-6 of june
and the auditions are from 3-5 june
i simply can't wait (:
6 more weeks...
had nafa yesterday,
great to be able to see joey and limin again,
its been long haha...
and i don't like to dance yun2 nan2 hua1 deng1
huay kuan's dance practise later
hope it'll be fun
school's pretty much the same
i have loads of homework and tests!
i am so dead man..
Saturday, April 12, 2008 // 7:04 PM
my back is aching
and i'm sure it will ache even more tomorrow
elizabeth woke me up super early today
i was still so sleepy lah, although i was the one who asked her to wake me up.
then we went to xinmin together, went to the dance room
just helped out here and there, and basically just slack through the whole time haha
later on, stood at the back of the hall and watched the juniors perform
i think the costume and the fan looks really really striking haha!
walked around during homecoming, with elizabeth and her sister
met so many teachers and friends
great to see that everyone is so commited to their stalls
first time coming for homecoming as a visitor
i feel old haha
but it is a totally different feeling being at homecoming this year,
i still do miss xinmin.
shortly after, elizabeth and i had to leave for huay kuan dance
i was still really really really sleepy and tired
i remember as i was walking from the bus stop to huay kuan,
i just wanted to go home and sleep haha
we eventually reached and got change.
then we realise that zhong laoshi is not coming today
and a lot of people are not coming as well
so there were only 7 people who turned up today
we started the doing everything on our own, with the music.
and i think thats when i started to feel like dancing, feel like practising, feel like doing some dance stuffs.
as we did more and more, i was totally in the mood lah haha!
enjoyed the class today (:
i think the class's seriousness while dancing today was good
and i really like it that everyone was still putting in all their effort even though there was no teacher, no one to guide us.
we did a lot of turns and fan1 shen1 today
and i turn and turn until i want to puke liao
my head was dizzy and wah too many turns and fan1 liao
haha but it was fun! cos we tried some new stuffs here and there
after class, we just sat there and talk haha
and zuyou is thinking of going to hkapa!
i think he is gonna try for the hkapa scholarship, but the scholarship is only for males!
wah why don't they have one for females too?
okay maybe cos there are lesser male dancers haha
i really really want to go hkapa!!!
i hope the audition letter comes soon..
Thursday, April 10, 2008 // 8:23 PM
yaye! managed to get life concert tickets today!
thank you evelyn and looyee!! (:
so i'm going to the concert with elizabeth haha
anyway today, rose junyi and me coincidentally took the same bus!
what a pleasant surprise haha
but i didnt know at first and i went down the bus
until rose and junyi sms-ed me and told me
so we ended up meeting up at the prata shop outside xinmin
feels great to see some old friends again
talked, ate, laughed
really love spending time like this with friends
went back to xinmin for awhile
and everyone is getting ready for homecoming this sat
i'll be going too!
had some really good chat with teachers.
going back to xinmin feels heartwarming
walking around the school really brings back memories.
memories that i'm sure will last a lifetime
the times i had, regardless good or bad
i miss xinmin!
thankful for today.
its god's will (:
Tuesday, April 08, 2008 // 9:24 PM
just found out that this friday's nafa is cancelled.
just found out that i may be able to get tickets for the life concert.
what a coincidence.
today was a really sleepy day,
my head is like spinning the whole day
lucky there is not pw lecture today haha!
then can go home and sleep,
slept for quite long,
but i'm still tired!
life now is just school and more school
homework and more tests.
my timetable is really the worst man.
oh yes,
yayes! (:
Sunday, April 06, 2008 // 11:11 PM
weekends are always passing way too fast!
dance today at TAT was really nice,
with training in the afternoon
and rehearsal in the evening.
i really like my sunday's class dancemates.
although i often mixed their names up, woops
they are really a bunch of nice and lovely people
(why we don't have class photo arh? haha)
i think sunday's class really pushes me to improve myself
with wonderful dance mates and a really patient and great teacher.
it keeps me going.
after rehearsal,
jiayin, agnes, and me went to get a drink at the vending machine
and we walked to the mrt.
at that moment, i really feel like if only life could be like this everyday
dancing together, and inbetween classes we'll just go to somewhere nearby to walk
to have a drink or some food, chat and laugh
having dance lessons and rehearsals till late night,
and then we'll just walk together under the stars in the dark and cooling night
(although elizabeth's pressence would have made everything perfect, but sad that she had to leave early)
and then we'll all just have to think about dance
no math, no econs, no history, no physics, no general paper, no project work
i really enjoyed today.
enjoyed being in Dinghong laoshi's class
enjoyed all the people
enjoyed all the dancing
enjoyed all the serious-ness
enjoyed all the trying your best
enjoyed all the laughter
i just wish i had classes like this every single day.
we should just have shhk class and Dinghong laoshi's class on alternate days
forget about all the jc life, forget all about those lectures that didn't seem to make sense.
as each day pass,
i yearn to get in hkapa more and more, with elizabeth.
then we can wake up each other up everyday in the morning
when the air outside is cooling, and the sun is about to rise.
we'll wash up,
then we'll wear our stockings, our leotards.
bun our hairs.
put on a cardigan, a shorts and leg warmers
then we'll carry our bag with our dance shoes and all the other dance stuffs inside
on our hands, we'll carry dance books that says "anatomy for dancers" or something
and we'll just take a bus, or the train
and walk down the streets to hkapa...

Saturday, April 05, 2008 // 8:47 PM
life concert tickets are sold out!
oh man i wanted to go and watch it lah!!
i really really hope someone will have extra tickets or something..
or maybe its fated that i can't skip nafa practise
huay kuan's practise was okay today,
quite fun actually, and i'm not aching as much as last week yay.
and while we were trying to do kong1 fan1, i accidently step on the teacher's leg
and i fell down. my ankle totally felt twisted and it was painful
my leg was like so "nua3", for that moment i really thought i sprained it
and i was kind of worried, but i kept telling myself that it'll get better
kept telling myself that its just temporary.
later on, it felt better and its not so painful.
really thankful.
i can't afford to have a sprain now. really can't.
i must train! haha
skipped ti1 tui3 cos have to rush off for nicole's ballet open class
hahah in the end me and elizabeth were the earliest.
talk about rushing eh?
and nicole you look so pretty (can't believe i said that)
had dinner with nicole limin and elizabeth
its been long since we had times like that.
makes me miss xinmin,
almost forgot how it feels like to eat with the xinmin dancers
the ride home with elizabeth today made me feel like i really wanted to live in hongkong with her
i really want to get into hkapa with her.
june seems too far away,
but hey, my skills are also far away haha!
so i must improve faster!
haha, now i'm back home,
and thinking about the homework just turns me off
i really want to dance everyday
or rather, i'm really looking forward to have dance everyday!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008 // 8:11 PM
my application has reached hkapa.
i do hope i'll be able to go for the audition
and i hope that i'll get in!!!!
i really want to study dance asap.
just came back from practising for teng zhi ye at xinmin
i hope xinthesis 2 will be a success.
i hope i'll be a fantastic show.
i do miss dancing a lot.
i kind of miss doing warm-up with xinmin people.
weird, but true.
i've decided to go for life concert next friday.
so that means that i can't go nafa.
and its weird but i do miss trainings for syf too.
why is everything so different now...
but at least i still have shhk class
i still have dinghong laoshi's class (:
and i still have great dance-mates
