Wednesday, January 30, 2008 // 6:27 PM
school officially starts in three weeks
that is so long man
i wonder what i'm going to do until then
i think i'll most likely be rotting at home.
anyway ytd i went to nyjc
it was alright,
except for the boring history lesson
but anyway i didn't go today
because the lessons didn't really interest me
i am really gonna die when school starts
cos i'll be totally blurr about the syllabus and work
ahhh!!! someone save me please!
well, xiangjun sms-ed me
and told me that there will be an audition
for appeal students to njc tmr
but too bad i didn't put njc in my choices
well cos i called the teacher in charge last week
and she told me that there will be auditions only after postings are out
and there will be auditions only if there are spaces left after the postings
so the chances are really small
besides, she says i may not go sajc cos i put it as second choice
so i decided to give up on the appeal
and put sajc as my first choice
but in the end,
there is an audition to njc tmr
feel kind of cheated,
but still, i think i'm okay with not trying for njc
okay okay, i have to be okay what
like i have another choice.
i really hope that i will enjoy myself in sajc
i dun even know if i want to join their dance ornot
its so....modern...haha
but what else will i join then?
i really miss preparing for a chinese dance performance
i miss dancing chinese dance a lot.
right now both my chinese dance classes are technique classes
so i don't even get to be in an item for performance.
i want more chinese dance classes!!
Sunday, January 27, 2008 // 11:09 AM
okay i have come to a decision
i'm gonna put sajc as my first choice
and nyjc as second
okay i'm not gonna be contemplating anymore
cos its decided.
anyway i'm leaving the house soon
for TAT practise
bye (:
Saturday, January 26, 2008 // 11:15 AM
ytd was a rather tiring day
yet i had loads of fun just being able to go out with my friends again
i miss them a lot a lot!!
and i think i have more or less decided on my first few choices already.
i am gonna give up trying to cca appeal into njc
cos even if i can make it, i will be having a hard time catching up.
so that means that i will be putting either sajc or nyjc as first choice
wow hope my decision wont change
since i'm always changing my mind hahah
aiyoh things will be much simplier if there were more schools
with chinese dance as a cca
i think i will really miss chinese dance a lot if i go to sajc or nyjc
cos seriously i really feel that NAFA and TAT are not enough for me
even if i join dance in sajc or nyjc,
its more of contemp and modern
im so worried that i'll have so little contact with chinese dance
that i may not improve much
and then i'll not get into hkapa
and my dream will be shattered just like that.
i don't want that.
i know that i've improved a lot in my results
but i'm sad.
a little disappointed.
i really wish that i can go to a school with a good chinese dance cca
but why are all these schools the top schools?
i can already forsee myself losing touch of chinese dance already.
i think i'm really very ambitious in terms of chinese dance
i just expect a lot from myself
NAFA is fine, but sometimes i think that its not challenging enough
even though i know this year's syllabus is harder than last year.
i don't know, somehow i think its too little of exposure.
TAT's training is good, but trainings are too little
and there's not much exposure to yun4 wei2 and performance
cos its a technique class after all.
but i'm happy that i have two wonderful dance teachers,
wonderful classmates in NAFA and TAT
and i enjoy lessons there.
oh man, everytime i think of the fact that there's no chinese dance in my jc
i get really sad.
i'm afraid you know,
really really scared
that is why i wanted so much to appeal to njc through chinese dance
but the thing is that i may not even get a chance to try for it
because the places in there are full
hais, if only i scored better.
then things will be settled easily haha
i guess that means that i'll have to work even harder to go to hkapa.
but auditions are coming already!
how how how?!
hmm there is still about two more days
to submit my choices
i don't know what to do already haha
Thursday, January 24, 2008 // 7:02 PM
so the results are out today eh.
hmm, guess i'll just have to make do with it haha
anyway love the fact that i met my friends again today
it was a really great feeling
being able to talk to them again
and share our life for the past three weeks
i really miss them a lot.
hmm, good thing today is,
i have decided that i want to go to jc
yay first step in making my decision.
not a really great step, but,
its a start
oh and i'm going out with rose and junyi tmr!
yayes! its been long.
aiyah, dunno what my mother will say when she gets home..
Monday, January 21, 2008 // 10:38 PM
as i walk around the house
i kept hearing the same thing from every single one of my family members
"thursday arh, thursday arh"
oh my goodness, yes i know its thursday
you do not have to keep reminding me like that
as if my results will get any better if you keep thinking about it.
hmm today is my oldest brother's birthday
and he is like, not at home.
i'm kind of bored at home.
i miss my friends!
i miss so many things
ahh i want to go to school and study with my friends!!
Saturday, January 19, 2008 // 7:22 PM
yay i'm staying over at my aunt's house today!
but i have to go home tmr morning
cos there is TAT tmr.
wonder who will be teaching us tmr hahah
anyway i guess the results are coming out next week
and oh my goodness i am so dead lah
totally not confident bout it at all
nafa yesterday was rather interesting
i like my class (:
i'm kinda bored now.
waiting for my cousin to bathe finish
enjoying the good food here at my aunt's house
i simply love coming here!
hmms okay i have to go eat dinner now,
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 // 4:57 PM
i had my first operation in my life today.
but its just a minor one
today morning i went to xinmin with elizabeth
and we used the dance room to practise our item.
didn't do a lot
but at least we got the steps out for quite some part already
oh man, i'm so dead lah.
i'm so not good in the dance.
but there's still 5 months before the performance
i seriously need to practise more productively
after that my parents came and fetch me to mount elizabeth
and i went to had a small op on my right eye.
i had three injections on my eye!!
haha it was rather painful then
but after that my eye went numb and i couldn't feel anything
while the doctor start operating on it
and its so weird cos i'm awake during the op
chated with the doctor for a while
then everything was done
and they gave me a dressing on my eye
right now my eye is abit swollen hahah
and the area around it is abit sore
the doctor says its gonna take about 2 or 3 days to recover
hopefully i'll recover quickly!
i'm so bored staying at home lah.
can't really do much, since i'm suppose to rest my eye
i hope that i'll be able to go nafa on friday
and dinghong laoshi's class on sunday
i'm so bored of staying at home that i hope i can go to school and study
it sounds weird but i kinda of miss studying haha
and i realised that my room is super messy
but i'm too lazy to pack even though i'm staying at home.
i think i'll do it another day.
Sunday, January 06, 2008 // 8:06 PM
Its a new year again.
i've graduated from secondary school
i feel so old haha.
but nevertheless 2007 was a great year.
i certainly miss it now.
it kind of late to say this, but oh well haha
it was a rather hectic year with the o'levels drilled into my head since january
but i enjoyed myself.
i miss 405, indeed the best class i've had in xinmin.
a class that was so united and motivating
i miss having lessons in our messy class of 47 students
i miss my teachers and my friends
the jokes and laughter during the lessons.
the late lessons every afternoon
i hope we will all do well for the o'levels (:
i'm extremly grateful to have found some really close friends in 405.
junyi and rose, who stayed by my side throughout the year
encouraging me through times of difficulty
sharing our happiness when we are having a lot of fun
i do hope that many years after we leave xinmin,
we will still be able to look back
on the times we shared in xinmin
and smile to ourselves, holding these happy memories in our hearts forever
i miss xinmin.
there are many things in that school that i can't seem to let go.
xinmin chinese dance is one of them.
my year of 2007 in xmcd was absolutely wonderful.
syf 2007 was amazing, practises for it were fun
it had definately got me closer to xmcd, it gave me a sense of belonging
i guess i will never ever forget the day were we've gotten the results
the tears of joy, the hugs
what i felt then was simply magical and heartwarming
xinthesis was the last time i will ever perform the syf dance with the original cast
and that performance was simply the best performance that we've ever done as a troupe.
much much better than the day of the syf.
its great that i've made so many wonderful friends in xmcd.
nicole toh shi hui, my wonderful twin sister
thanks for the heart to heart talks.
i know you've been busy these few weeks and i miss you!
alicia and peiying,
for all the fun we've had together during practises (:
wan shi ting,
for being such a wonderful friend who never fails to keep that smile on you face!
i'm so thankful for xmcd
for providing me so many happy memories.
as for NAFA
it is my second time taking the dance exam there.
i'm happy that i've gotten a distinction again.
zou laoshi is a great teacher, i wouldn't being able to do a lot of things if it weren't for her
so i'm grateful that she is my teacher.
this year, i've gotten closer to the people in my class
and i got to know how nice the people in my class were
i like my class (:
i hope that this year, everyone will improve even more
and have more fun during lessons!
also, in 2007, i joined hong lei dance company with elizabeth!
something that i never regret doing.
i realise that i love my class a lot.
i love the fact that the people in my class are all so serious
about learning and improving themselves
ding hong laoshi is a great teacher too!
lessons were always interesting there
and i really enjoy myself every sunday practising there.
i think that i've improved as a dancer in 2007
there are some people that i've gotten much closer to too.
thank you joey and limin for all the fun times.
during nafa, after nafa, outside of nafa
i miss the outings after every nafa rehearsals,
where we will never fail to have fun.
i miss those spontaneous things that we will do.
i really really had so much laughter through all those craziness.
i miss the stayovers. i miss the tom yum noodles!
i'm really grateful everything that you've done.
i wish you both all the best for dance and your studies
and enjoy your last year in xinmin!
and elizabeth.
i can't believe we've gotten even closer even after you've left xinmin
i really hope that we will be able to get even closer in the years to come
and hopefully to the days where we will live in hongkong together,
pursuing our dreams.
thank you so so so much for all the encouragements and advice
for being there through all my ups and downs in 2007.
i really really cherish you.
i want us to have more and more fun times together.
i love the long hours of talks on the phone
thanks for making my passion for dance burn even stronger.
lets work hard togther to make our dreams become a reality okay.
and may our first duet be a huge success.
as for the bad times in 2007,
i've learnt something from them
and i just hope that they will never happen again.
so, 2007 was definately an amazing year for me
and i'm looking forward to 2008
because its gonna be fill with so many more new experience
i have so many resolutions for 2008
but i shall just keep them to myself since there are a lot hahah
i love 2007.

anyway, goodbye 2007.
hello 2008! (: