Tuesday, July 24, 2007 // 7:11 PM
haven't update for super long.
still loving my friends
still loving dance
i know this is almost one month ago,
but i'm gonna post up some pictures about xinthesis
hehes, enjoy (:

tying our hair for the performance

the dressing room! (crazy nicole in the middle)

elizabeth and me!

wanling and me!

dylis, me and wanling

dinner time in the dressing room!!

ms lim in the middle. one of our dance teacher-in-charge

nicole, elizabeth and me

with lin hong laoshi, chinese opera instructor!!

me, nicole and Shi Ting

Dylis in witch's costume, and me!

our head dress

me and nicole going crazy with the witch's wig (:

haha thats me.

and of course, the GOLD WITH HONOURS
xinmin chinese dance will always remain in a special place inside my heart
thank you for making this experience so worthwhile (:
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 // 9:20 PM
realised i've been blogging quite frequently eh?
anyway today in school, we started talking about some girls stuff
and it was so funny!! cos everyone's reaction was super funny
oh and stephanie gets really funny when she sees a spider haha!
yesterday during chinese lesson,
we started playing pictionary and it was hilarious as well
kept laughing throughout the whole two period!!
we started playing pictionary and it was hilarious as well
kept laughing throughout the whole two period!!
after school today, went to meet elizabeth in the dance room
then we slacked there and i helped her with her project (:
haha i'm suppose to be there to settle the syf costumes thing.
oh and when dance started, we went to talk to miss lim
and she is really very nice
and gives really good advise.
hahah then i went back to the dance room to settle the syf costumes thing.
and after that i sort of danced abit
abit only lah, but its feels nice though.
i really like going home together with dance-mates after dance
because we all do crazy things together
and being with dance-mates is really very heartwarming.
i'm glad i've got to know them (:
i don't wanna stop dancing!!
Monday, July 09, 2007 // 10:03 PM
i really do not like going to school nowadays
lessons are on for practically the whole day
and there are still practicals, self study, night study
tests, exam papers, tonnes of essays to write.
i'm getting sick of it.
well at least i get to complain in my blog.
but after i complain and feel abit better,
i'm back into that terrible school life.
times like this make me miss dancing even more.
sometimes i really just tell myself to get all this over and done with,
then i can go and apply for hkapa
i really really want to be a dancer in a world renowned dance company
as much as i want it,
i know i'm not good enough yet.
but so what? i will keep improving and challenge myself, and one day.
i'll be a great dancer
actually i do not think you must have the best technique, flexibility to be a good dancer.
who says all of the successful dancers have perfect technique?
who says they all have superb pointe?
its the passion that they show through their movements that actually melts the hearts of millions.
sometimes i amaze myself, seeing how i've improved bit by bit
and thats really assuring.
i'm not there yet, but i will be one day.
its just that the day is not today. haha
i'll work hard.
i'll work hard to get into hkapa.
i'll work hard to excel in hkapa.
i'll work hard to be a great dancer.
because i really love to dance.
Sunday, July 08, 2007 // 10:13 PM
oh great there is school tmr.
did i mention that i bought a new dance shoe
erm i guess not.
erm i guess not.
but i did buy a new one, because my old one is super "hole-ly"
TAT was fun today,
i did enjoy it, to a certain extent
because i haven't been there for a very very long time.
then went to have some food at bugis there
and talk for quite a long time with elizabeth
i haven't gone out with elizabeth like this for a very long time.
and it feels good to be out with elizabeth again.
i miss it lah!
oh man i've said this a million times but i'm gonna say it again.
i've change my blog song to "the world's greatest"
its a nice song hehe.
i remember i use to hear this song when i was younger
somehow this song reminds me of the happy times i have with my family when i was younger
i had alot of fun playing with my brothers when we were young
but i guess things are different now,
we're all too busy with our own life
that we don't spend time with each other anymore.
now i miss the warmth i felt with my family in the past):
its surprising how times change right hhaha.
Saturday, July 07, 2007 // 9:31 PM
my computer is half-fixed
so i can use the internet for a while yay!
this week was.....boring. as expected
hahah but nevertheless, i tried to enjoy every single moment of it.
i think sec four life is extremly boring
especially once you've step down.
its like work work and more work everyday.
and you can NEVER finish all the homework.
it just keeps piling up no matter how fast you try to do it.
i still do miss xinthesis.
i still love chinese opera.
i still love chinese dance alot.
oh yes. we did daizu yesterday.
but it was the kuai4 ban3.
i suddenly remembered i haven't posts pictures during xinthesis yet.
woops. ahha i shall post it another day i guess (:
how i wished my life was like before,
when i have dance practise almost everyday in a week
and loads of opera practise too.
now i am just rotting at home everyday after school
i really really hate it.
and i am extremly disgusted by my pathetic dance techniques.
"Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing. It's the rhythm of your life. It's the expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy." ~Jaques D'ambroise
Wednesday, July 04, 2007 // 10:47 PM
hello! my brother decided to lend me his computer for a while
hahha so i better make this quick hehes.
i want to blog often,
but my computer died on me
so i haven't on my computer for 2 weeks already
anyway, today i found out that
last friday, i was at opera rehearsal
so i decided to skip NAFA
and they did dai zu wu!!!
oh my!!! I WANT TO DO DAI ZU!!!
my heart sank when i heard it lah.
but i enjoyed opera as well lah ahhahha
its been a LONG LONG LONG TIME since we've spent time together
and i really felt very very happy during that night (:
it feels different to go for dance practise now.
but i still feel good going for dance practise.
hah. but i wont have a chance to do so very very soon.
look on the bright side.
you dont have to go for dance practise to dance.
i can dance anywhere
as long as i want to dance (:
and i have nafa on friday hehe
i want to do dai zu wu!!
i miss it alot alot alot..
hope this period of time will pass quickly
let me survive!!
i miss the times spent with my close friends
i miss them alot
i miss performing alot
i miss dancing with ALL MY DANCE-MATES as well
i yearn for a place
where people who shares the same passion get together
people who have the passion for dance, burning in their heart
a place for them to share, to learn
and to dance.
i want to set up xinmin chinese dance alumni ((:
Sunday, July 01, 2007 // 7:47 PM
i dont really know how should i start this post with,
i guess, i'm feeling alot now
but i extremly grateful
this week was absolutely superb and exciting
filled with rehearsals that ends at 9+, 10+ every day
i really really love it
going for dance practises and opera practises really brightens me up
and i look forward to every single practise
i've been looking forward to so so much this week
but the performance is over and i just dont look forward anymore
its this empty feeling inside me now
that i detest
yet love at the same time because i'm glad it happened
i miss the performance so much so that i forgot how to control myself
i dont know.
i really want to perform again and again and again
Xinthesis was a huge success that im sure will remain special in my heart forever
it was my last time doing sui yue ru ge with the syf dancers
and im so glad to say that it was better than the syf day,
it was so much better that i couldn't control my feelings when tears started to roll down
because i was so touched by the dance and every single dancer
the bond that i felt with the whole syf troupe
opera was great because xinmin opera holds a very important part in me
i miss staying until 5.30am in the morning in school just to do up the photos for the reception
to practise till so late every night
to get scolded by the opera teachers and cai bo shi for countless times
to do the dance over and over again cos it was messy and we couldn't catch the timing
to laugh and cry at the same time during opera practise
and during the performance,
even if there were 1001 hiccups
it was a huge huge success
i miss feeling the anxious-ness before the performance
i miss the happiness i felt on stage,
to cherish every single second i get to perform infront of an audience
to present the best of myself to people
and most importantly,
to do what i love
i miss the backstage happenings
and the team spirit that just blows me away during the performance
its been a long long time since i felt the tears of joy
i think i'm extremly blessed
to be able to work with such a great bunch of people,
an outstanding bunch of teachers,
both in opera and chinese dance
blessed with so many opportunities to shine
this morning i woke up feeling so empty inside,
missing what had happened just a few hours ago
hoping that it could all happen again,
but to no avail.
i'm so emotionally attached to opera and chinese dance
that i can't seem to let them go,
although i know i need to.
it's just something that means alot to me,
many might not understand,
but its something that changed me and made me see myself for who i am
its what kept me going for these few years,
it taught me so much,
to love
to devote
to cherish
to support
to anticipate
to work
to acheive
its hard to put my feelings in words
because the kind of happiness that i felt
cannot be written,
it can only be experienced.
thank you everyone,
i'm extremly grateful.
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened"